Botox | Filler

Botox can be very effective for patients who clench and/or grind their teeth because it weakens the chewing muscles, which helps maintain the integrity of their teeth.

Dr. Saad is Your Cosmetic Dentist Cosmetic dentist barrington IL, cosmetic dentistry, dr. saad Barrington Dental Sealants. BS. Smile Makeovers, Clear Aligners, Botox, Dental Implants, Emergency Dentistry in Barrington, IL. 847-383-7878

Botox | Filler

Botox® has become a part of modern dentistry because dentists are uniquely qualified to perform this procedure, and it addresses many issues related to dentistry. Botox can be very effective for patients who clench and/or grind their teeth because it weakens the chewing muscles, which helps maintain the integrity of their teeth.

Botox® can also be used for patients who suffer from headaches and migraines because it relaxes the muscles and provides relief. 

As a cosmetic dentist and member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, Dr. Saad is very attuned to achieving the best possible results and wants to offer many methods to help improve a smile. Botox and filler can be used to reduce and prevent wrinkles around the face, which can make a beautiful smile even more noticeable.

If you think Botox® might be a solution for you, you are welcome to schedule a free consultation to learn more.

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